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Informations générales sur KUANTOKUSTA

KUANTOKUSTAKuantokusta is a price comparison platform that operates primarily in Portugal. It was launched in the year 2005, making it one of the oldest and most established price comparison websites in the country. The platform was created by a Portuguese entrepreneur named Paulo Pimenta, who recognized the need for a service that could help consumers find the best prices for products across various online retailers. Kuantokusta quickly gained popularity among online shoppers as a trusted resource for comparing prices and making informed purchasing decisions. The name "Kuantokusta" is a combination of two Portuguese words: "Kuanto" meaning "how much" and "Kusta" meaning "it costs." This straightforward name reflects the platform's core mission, which is to provide users with accurate and up-to-date information on the prices of products available in online stores. Kuantokusta operates as a search engine and aggregator, collecting product listings and prices from a wide range of online retailers in Portugal. It covers a vast array of product categories, including electronics, home appliances, fashion, beauty, sports equipment, and more. Users can search for a specific product or category and compare prices, reviews, and other relevant information from different sellers. The platform also provides links to the website of each retailer, where users can make their purchases. One of the key features that set Kuantokusta apart is its user-friendly interface. The website is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring a pleasant user experience. It allows users to filter search results based on various criteria such as price range, brand, store, and customer ratings. In addition to its website, Kuantokusta has also developed a mobile app, providing users with the convenience of accessing the platform on their smartphones and tablets. This has further expanded its reach and allowed users to compare prices on the go. Over the years, Kuantokusta has gained a significant market presence in Portugal, attracting a large user base and partnering with numerous online retailers in the country. Its comprehensive product database, real-time price updates, and commitment to providing accurate information have earned it a reputable position in the Portuguese e-commerce market. In conclusion, Kuantokusta is a popular price comparison platform in Portugal that was launched in 2005. It originated in Portugal and has become a trusted resource for online shoppers looking to compare prices and make informed purchasing decisions. With its intuitive interface, extensive product database, and commitment to accuracy, Kuantokusta has established itself as a go-to platform for finding the best deals and bargains online.

How to Setup KUANTOKUSTA Integration?

Chargement du flux de produits

Ajouter un flux

Un flux de produits est un fichier de données qui contient des informations sur vos produits. Avec Feedance, vous avez la possibilité d'utiliser différents formats pour vos flux de produits. Intégrez facilement vos données existantes en choisissant le format qui vous convient le mieux.

Chargement du flux de produits

Create KUANTOKUSTA Channel

Un flux de produits est un fichier de données qui contient des informations sur vos produits. Avec Feedance, vous avez la possibilité d'utiliser différents formats pour vos flux de produits. Intégrez facilement vos données existantes en choisissant le format qui vous convient le mieux.

Chargement du flux de produits

Create KUANTOKUSTA Channel

Un flux de produits est un fichier de données qui contient des informations sur vos produits. Avec Feedance, vous avez la possibilité d'utiliser différents formats pour vos flux de produits. Intégrez facilement vos données existantes en choisissant le format qui vous convient le mieux.