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Criteo に関する一般情報

CriteoCriteo is a digital advertising platform that specializes in personalized retargeting and performance marketing. It was launched in the year 2005. The company is originally from France, making it a French multinational organization. Criteo has emerged as a leading global digital advertising platform, providing its services to businesses of all sizes. Its primary focus is on helping advertisers engage and convert their customers through targeted advertisements. The platform utilizes algorithms and machine learning techniques to deliver personalized ads to potential customers based on their browsing behavior and interests. The core functionality of Criteo revolves around retargeting, which involves displaying ads to users who have previously shown interest in products or services offered by the advertiser. By tracking users across multiple devices and platforms, Criteo helps businesses deliver relevant ads to their target audience at various stages of the customer journey, ultimately increasing engagement and driving conversion rates. Criteo's platform also offers performance marketing solutions, allowing advertisers to optimize their advertising campaigns based on specific goals such as driving app installations or increasing sales. By leveraging its extensive network of publishers and advertisers, Criteo enables businesses to reach their target audience efficiently and effectively. In addition to retargeting and performance marketing, Criteo provides various other advertising solutions, including audience targeting, personalized product recommendations, and dynamic creative optimization. These features enable advertisers to deliver highly tailored and relevant ads to individual users, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience and maximizing campaign effectiveness. Over the years, Criteo has expanded globally and established a strong presence in numerous countries. Today, it operates in more than 90 countries, serving thousands of advertisers and publishers worldwide. Its innovative advertising technology and data-driven approach have made it a trusted partner for businesses looking to drive customer acquisition, increase brand awareness, and maximize their return on investment in digital advertising.

How to Setup Criteo Integration?



商品フィードは、商品に関する情報を含むデータ ファイルです。Feedance を使用すると、商品フィードにさまざまな形式を柔軟に使用できます。最適な形式を選択することで、既存のデータを簡単に統合できます。


Create Criteo Channel

商品フィードは、商品に関する情報を含むデータ ファイルです。Feedance を使用すると、商品フィードにさまざまな形式を柔軟に使用できます。最適な形式を選択することで、既存のデータを簡単に統合できます。


Create Criteo Channel

商品フィードは、商品に関する情報を含むデータ ファイルです。Feedance を使用すると、商品フィードにさまざまな形式を柔軟に使用できます。最適な形式を選択することで、既存のデータを簡単に統合できます。